Office of Special Investigations Detachment 212

At the Office of Special Investigations Detachment 212, our mission is to collect and disseminate actionable intelligence and investigative information through the full spectrum of innovative capabilities meeting the needs of the Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force and law enforcement counterparts. In pursuit of our mission, our vision is to be a trusted competent federal law enforcement agency, aggressively and efficiently neutralizing threats in pursuit of justice. 

AFOSI investigates a wide variety of serious offenses - espionage, terrorism, crimes against property, violence against people, larceny, computer hacking, acquisition fraud, drug use and distribution, financial misdeeds, military desertion, corruption of the contracting process and any other illegal activity that undermines the mission of the U.S. Air Force or the Department of Defense. 

You can contact us at 803-895-6001.

We are located at the following address directly behind the recruiting squadron and up the road from the Trap & Skeet Range:

Building 1836
886 Condor Country Rd.
Shaw AFB, SC 29152

Foreign Travel Briefing Information

As of 30 May 24, the Foreign Travel Pre-Briefs will no longer be held physically at OSI Det 212, Bldg 1836. However, personnel will be required to conduct the online Pre-Brief (see below). OSI Det 212 will receive emails of the 5W’s of everyone who completed the online portion. If personnel traveled to a country of interest or you hold a TS/SCI clearance, OSI Det 212 will reach out to you and schedule a debrief once you arrive back. This is important to us, because people sometimes do not understand elicitation and solicitation techniques used on them from potential Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE). Below are useful links and potential CI targets that could harm DoD warfighter capabilities.

Important Links:
Foreign Travel Briefs
U.S. State Department Travel Information
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
Foreign Clearance Guide (CAC Enabled)

CI Targets:

  • Military information – classified and unclassified
  • War plans
  • Troop strength, movements & equipment
  • Travel plans and routes
  • Mission support structure, security, and capabilities
  • Policies and intentions of the DoD worldwide
  • Scientific and technical, military and dual-use industrial technology
    • HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars in research and technology are lost to foreign and domestic competitors annually.
  • Personal/Personnel information

Need to Report a Crime or Suspicious activity?

The Eagle Eyes program is an Air Force anti-terrorism initiative that enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror. Eagle eyes teaches people about the typical activities terrorists engage in to plan their attacks. Armed with this information, anyone can recognize elements of potential terror planning when they see it. The program provides a network of local, 24-hour phone numbers to call whenever a suspicious activity is observed. You and your family are encouraged to learn the categories of suspicious behavior and stay attuned to your surroundings. If you observe something suspicious, send your input using this CrimeBusters email address: or give us a call during regular business hours Monday – Friday at 895-6001 and after hours at 895-3669.

Examples of suspicious behavior include the following:

Surveillance: Someone recording or monitoring activities. This may include the use of cameras (either still or video), note taking, drawing diagrams, annotating on maps or using binoculars or other vision-enhancing devices. 

Elicitation : People or organizations attempting to gain information about military operations, capabilities, or people. Elicitation attempts may be made by mail, fax, telephone, or in person. Examples could include being approached at a gas station (or mall or airport or library, etc) and asked about what's happening at the base; getting a fax (or an e-mail or a telephone call, etc) asking for troop strength numbers... or the number of airplanes on base... or deployment procedures... or how a trash-collection truck gets on base... or the location of the HQ building... or how many people live in a certain dorm... or where the commander lives... or how many people hang out at the officers/enlisted club at night... or which nightclubs/restaurants off base are highly frequented by military people... or the workings of the base's network firewall, etc. 

Tests of security: Any attempts to measure reaction times to security breaches or to penetrate physical security barriers or procedures in order to assess strengths and weaknesses. Examples: a person grabs the base fence and shakes it and sees how long it takes for police to respond; a driver approaches the front gate (without ID and/or car sticker) and pretends to be lost or to have taken a wrong term, just to learn the procedures of how he is dealt with and how far into the gate he can get before being turned around; a person places a "smoke bomb" near the fence or throws it over the fence, just to learn how quickly police respond and what effect that has on front-gate operations, etc. 

Acquiring supplies: Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammunition, detonators, timers, etc. Also includes acquiring military uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes or badges (or the equipment to manufacture such items) or any other controlled items. 

Suspicious persons out of place: People who don't seem to belong in the workplace, neighborhood, business establishment, or anywhere else. Includes suspicious border crossings and stowaways aboard ship or people jumping ship in port. This category is hard to define, but the point is that people know what looks right and what doesn't look right in their neighborhoods, office spaces, commutes, etc, and if a person just doesn't seem like he or she belongs, there's probably a reason for that. 

Dry run: Putting people into position and moving them around according to their plan without actually committing the terrorist act. This is especially true when planning a kidnapping, but it can also pertain to bombings. An element of this activity could also include mapping out routes and determining the timing of traffic lights and flow. Take note of people moving around from place to place without any apparent purpose and doing it, perhaps, many times. The appropriate example here is the Sept. 11 hijackers, who are now known to have actually flown on those exact flights several times before Sept. 11. Their purpose was to practice getting their people into position, working out arrival times, parking, ticketing, going through security, boarding, etc. By taking note of everything around them, in one sense they were conducting surveillance and testing security, but they were also doing a dry run of the actual activity. 

Deploying assets: People and supplies getting into position to commit the act. This is a person's last chance to alert authorities before the terrorist act occurs. Look for people loading up vehicles with weaponry/explosives, etc, and/or parking that vehicle somewhere, or people in military uniforms (who don't look right) approaching an installation or getting into a vehicle, or people who seem out of place standing by at a certain location as if waiting for something to happen. One fairly good example of this is the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. When the explosives-laden truck pulled up to the fence line (which was the "deploying assets" step) and the driver jumped out and ran away, that was seen by a spotter on the roof of the dormitory, who recognized this as suspicious activity. He then sprinted down stairs and began pounding on doors, rousting people out of bed and getting them out of the building. Because of that, he saved many, many lives, and it's all because he recognized the "deploying assets" element.

Interested in becoming an AFOSI Special Agent?

AFOSI is always looking to recruit quality Airmen from any career field.  No career field is given preference over another, selection is purely based on eligibility and past performance. For more information about the Enlisted Military Agent process, please visit the following website:

Polygraph Information

If you are in need of a polygraph, go to the Air Force Portal, search “Polygraph” and go to the “USAF Polygraph Program” to find out more information.

freedom of information act process

Requesting  report of investigation generated by AFOSI:

The Freedom of Information Act Program (DODR 5400.7) allows the general public including foreign citizens, military and civilian personnel acting as private citizens, to request records electronically or in writing from the Federal Government. Some records are released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act, and may therefore   reflect deletion of some information in accordance with the FOIA's nine statutory exemptions or two law enforcement record exclusions. A consolidated list of such records is on Defense Link and the U.S. Air Force FOIA site. Currently the law requires agencies to respond within 20 working days upon receipt of the request in the FOIA office. 

Please visit: to learn more about the FOIA request process.