SHAW PILOT DIED ON IMPACT Published Oct. 17, 2009 By 031009 SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. -- Evidence revealed that Capt. Nicholas Giglio, sought in the Atlantic ocean since Thursday night after his F-16 Fighting Falcon collided with another, never got to eject from his jet. Col. Joe Guastella, commander of the 20th Fighter Wing, to which both jets were assigned, said today, "In spite of an intense search conducted by hundreds of professionals from the Coast Guard, Navy and Air Force, we have found no trace of Capt. Nicholas Giglio. "However, our investigation of the mishap revealed that the mid air collision itself was traumatic. The speed and geometry of the impact (apparently) breached the canopy of Captain Giglio's aircraft, and evidence leads us to conclude the trauma he sustained was fatal. He never had the opportunity to eject." "We will make every effort to recover Captain Giglio's aircraft and his remains. We are grateful to all those involved in the search effort. "We will continue to investigate the accident," he added, then concluded with, "The thoughts and prayers of all of us at Shaw are with Nicholas Giglio, his family, and his friends."