*All Service Members and their Dependents tested for COVID-19 off-base are required to report their results to 20 MDG Public Health at 803-895-6193.
*For COVID-19 Screening/Testing at Shaw Clinic (20 MDG), Appointments are Required. Please call the Shaw Clinic Appointment Line at (803) 895-2273.
*Under the declaration of a public health emergency, and in line with DODI 6200.03, to maximize social distancing, safeguard our Airmen and preserve combat capability, Shaw will only be open to military members, their dependents and those who work on base Tuesdays-Fridays. If you have a medical appointment on base, regardless of your AD/Retiree status, YOU WILL BE ALLOWED ON BASE for your appointment if you provide documentation. Starting April 25 all mission essential DBIDS passes, CAC holders, retiree IDs, dependent IDs and previously-vetted VHIC personnel will have base access Saturdays-Mondays. The trusted traveler and visitor pass program are suspended until further notice. Only those who currently have a valid (and current) visitor pass or are on an EAL will be allowed into the installation. Please help us protect our mission and people.
Last updated 20 May 2020
Do you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath and been exposed to someone who has been recently quarantined for the Coronavirus or has been tested positive for the Coronavirus? If you or a family member believe you might be infected with COVID-19, use one of the following options BEFORE going to the Shaw Clinic: the appointment line at (803) 895-2273; or use the TRICARE Online (TOL) Secure Messaging.
Seek medical attention at an ER immediately if you develop any of the following emergency warning signs of COVID-19 or other medical problem: extreme difficulty breathing, bluish lips/face, constant pain/pressure in the chest, severe constant dizziness/lightheadedness, acting confused, difficult to wake up, slurred speech, or new seizure/ongoing seizure, or any other symptom that is severe or concerning.
Seeking Care Outside of the Shaw Clinic
For all Active Duty Service Members (ADSMs), preauthorization for services is required before being seen at an Urgent Care Center (UCC) or by a network provider. Thus, it is the responsibility of ADSMs enrolled in TRICARE Prime to obtain a referral BEFORE going to UCCs/network providers.
ADSMs, we ask that you take the following actions if you would like to be seen at a UCC:
During normal business hours, Monday – Friday, 0700 – 1600, call the Shaw Clinic Appointment Line at (803) 895-2273.
Outside of business hours, please still call the appointment line: 803-895-2273 (CARE).
(Please understand that due to high call volume, wait times may be longer. The 20 MDG appreciates your understanding and patience.)
◾The Satellite BX Pharmacy is open on Mondays only from 0800-1700 for drive-thru service for retiree beneficiaries.
◾Refill requests made to 895-6678 (Refill Line) by noon on Thursday will be available for pickup the following Monday. There will be no same-day availability for prescriptions. If you do not call ahead, your refills will not be available.
◾We encourage the use of Express Scripts at this time. More information on how to sign-up for and obtain prescriptions via mail can be found at https://militaryrx.express-scripts.com or by calling 1-877-363-1303.
◾Should you need to have a prescription transferred to another pharmacy, have the pharmacy of your choice contact a Shaw pharmacy representative at 895-6464/1309 between 0900-1700, Tuesday through Friday.
◾If you need to have a new electronic prescription activated, please call 895-2273, option #3, and then option #4 (Activation Line) to have your electronic prescriptions activated. Activations made prior to noon on Thursday should be available for pickup the following Monday.
◾If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please call a Shaw pharmacy representative at 895-6464/1309/6466/6125.
◾The BX Pharmacy will make every effort to fulfill your request, but due to high demand and shipping constraints during the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be some supply issues. We appreciate your patience.
◾All beneficiaries will need to utilize off-base pharmacies for urgent prescriptions.
◾Network pharmacies: https://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices/Pharmacy/FillPrescriptions/Network
Discontinuation of Sick Call (Active Duty walk-in) at Shaw Clinic (20 MDG)
In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are temporarily halting Sick Call at the Shaw Clinic to prevent walk-in patients, thus reducing risk for other patients and medical staff.
◾During normal business hours, Monday – Friday, 0700 – 1600, call the Shaw Clinic Appointment Line at (803) 895-2273.
For any non-urgent needs, please contact your Shaw Clinic provider via TRICARE Online (TOL) Secure Messaging. This does not change how the Shaw Clinic is currently operating – it just reinforces the importance of calling the MDG first so we may address your medical needs before bringing you in for an appointment.
◾If you currently have a medical appointment in the Active Duty Clinic or the Flight Medicine Clinic, the 20 MDG will CALL you at your scheduled appointment time.
◾If your care team determines that your needs can be met during this call, we ask you to NOT come into the clinic.
◾If your care team determines that you require a face to face appointment, they will contact you prior to your currently scheduled appointment time to notify you.
◾YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION: If you need to verify your contact information, please go to https://tricare.mil/DEERS or call (800) 538-9522.
◾If you currently have a medical appointment in the Family Member/Retiree Clinic or Pediatrics Clinic, you will be called by a staff member prior to your appointment time with further information. (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE ACTIVE DUTY/FLIGHT MEDICINE CLINIC.)
◾All post-operative patients will keep their scheduled in-person evaluation/follow-up appointments with Capt Dickman
◾For all other non-operative patients, if you have a physical therapy follow-up appointment with Capt Dickman, she will CALL you on the day of your scheduled appointment.
◾Your physical therapist will determine if you require a face to face appointment during your call and will schedule an appointment at that time.
◾All physical therapy gym appointments have been cancelled. In-person treatments will continue only on a limited basis for post-operative and acute patients as determined by the therapist.
◾If you need to contact the PT clinic please leave a voicemail at 895-6562.
◾Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, difficulty breathing)
◾Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after preparing food, eating, and touching your face
◾If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol
◾Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands
◾Continue to be safe and take precautionary measures...your health and safety is important to us!
The Department of Defense released new guidance on the use of cloth face coverings.
- All individuals on Shaw AFB who cannot maintain 6 feet of social distancing must wear a cloth face coverings; additionally, cloth face coverings must be warned at all times in the commissary, BX, shoppette, medical clinic and designated customer service areas. This includes military personnel, DoD civilian employees, family members, DoD contractors and all other individuals on our property. This does not include at your residence.
- Masks can be furnished from household items or common materials, and must be in good taste. Furthermore, if you are assigned to the 20th Fighter Wing, we will issue cloth masks. If you have questions about wear in the workplace, please ask your chain of command.
—As you are coming through the gate, please remove your face mask to verify your identity.
—Medical PPE such as surgical masks or N95 respirators will not be issued as they will be reserved for appropriate personnel.
Recommendations from the CDC:
- fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
- be secured with ties or ear loops
- include multiple layers of fabric - allow for breathing without restriction - be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
- should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance
- masks should be routinely changed and washed. Our public health professionals recommend switching masks every 2-3 hours.
- when changing out your mask, do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash your hands immediately after.
- more info, to include more ways to make your own mask
DoD guidance
For additional health screening options:
The 20 MDG is implementing telehealth for separation/retirement physicals. Under normal operations, these physicals can be completed by the VA within 90-180 DAYS of separation/retirement. At this time, the VA is still processing claims, but exams are on hold until further notice. TO MEET GUIDELINES, A PCM EXAM IS REQUIRED. Members who will be separating/retiring within the next six months are encouraged to call 803-895-6606 to speak with an MDG nurse to start the process. It will be determined after speaking to MDG personnel whether this exam can be done via phone or if an in-person appointment is required.