SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. -- U.S. Airmen assigned to Shaw Air Force Base volunteered their time to take part in the Inspire Shaw campaign on base as part of a wider resiliency campaign here, May 1, 2023.
Airmen stood at the three entrances leading to the base, holding signs displaying positive messages to welcome Shaw personnel on their way to work, all with the intent to inspire and thank them for what they do.
“Inspire Shaw is a campaign I created to celebrate the good work our Airmen do for the base and the Air Force as a whole,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. Rotimi Adedokun, 20th Maintenance Group chaplain. “This is our way of championing the ‘Weasel Culture’ line of effort. By strengthening one, we strengthen the rest.”
Lt Col Timothy “Padre” Rosenthal, 20th Fighter Wing lead chaplain, feels strongly that Inspire Shaw is a small movement that has the potential to positively touch the lives of thousands.
“Each day, we welcome so many Airmen, Soldiers, civilians and families onto our base to carry out the mission and contribute their own personal sacrifices in service of our nation,” said Rosenthal. “We want to create a culture of inclusion and positivity here, that speaks directly to the hearts of each member and assures them that their daily contribution, however small or routine, does not go unnoticed. We hope this will create a ripple effect, where service members bring that energy to their families at home, into their workplaces, and ultimately feel valued and seen as they carry out our mission.”
Adedokun began the campaign in November of last year with an average of 30 volunteers that has now grown to 50. Every first calendar day of the month, volunteers spend time welcoming troops onto base and waving farewell with inspiring messages as they depart the installation. Different groups ranging from Shaw leadership, the Chief’s Group and military spouses, to a mix of motivated individuals from across the base, rotate shifts, ensuring many are included.
“When I was driving onto base that day, I saw some Airmen standing at the gate holding signs that made me smile, " said Staff Sgt. Madeline Herzog, 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs noncommissioned officer in charge of command information. “Seeing a sign reminding me of my importance to the mission really did a lot to brighten my day. It seems like such an easy thing to do once a month but it has a major impact on people's lives.”
In the years to come, Adedokun hopes that Air Force bases across Air Combat Command and the Air Force at large will adopt their own versions of this initiative until every Air Force duty station has their own inspirational campaign.
“There are days when we do things that we are not recognized for,” said Adedokun. “But driving through here, seeing someone with a placard that says, ‘Thank you. What you do matters’ - I believe that can be the spark that gives you the energy to excel in whatever you do.”
There are two roles available to Airmen who want to help in the campaign: they can work as an ambassador, championing the program and recruiting interested Airmen in their respective squadrons, or they can volunteer and donate their time by displaying inspirational signs at the base entrances on the first workday of each month.
To volunteer to Inspire Shaw, sign up here:
For more information, contact Master Sgt. Marcus Wright at (803) 895-4171.