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  • Team Shaw honors POW/MIA

    Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, honored prisoners of war/missing in action during a remembrance ceremony, Sept. 18.

  • 79th Tigers awarded Gallant Unit Citation

    A quiet winter’s morning in the Afghanistan desert changed abruptly when a massive blast from a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device detonated and heavy machine gun fire ensued outside the walls of Bagram Airfield.

  • 20th Fighter Wing flies in ABMS field test

    Pilots from the 20th Fighter Wing recently participated in Advanced Battle Management System Onramp #2 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, Aug. 31 – Sept. 3, 2020.

  • 20th FW CP trains for expeditionary future

    The brain only functions as well as the system designed to carry its messages. On any given installation, there is a team of vigilant Airmen trained to be experts in dispersing vital communication to every single member of their mission.

  • Gamblers double down at Red Flag 20-2

    Viper engines begin to roar, adding to the cacophony of sounds already playing. Airmen circumnavigate the jets quickly to preform final takeoff checks while pilots wait their turn to taxi onto the runway.

  • Shaw AFCOCOMP team builds more than bombs

    The Shaw Air Force Combat Operations Competition Team is competing for the third consecutive year to showcase enhanced knowledge, hone their crafts and perform their best under the watchful eyes of the judges and potentially have a shot at the Air Force-wide level in the spring.

  • Father. Warrior. Airman.

    A father picks up his combat gear; his daughter clings to his shoulders and her tiny face crinkles in confusion as he sets her down gently, then looks to his wife and chokes on the tears he hides as he turns away from his newly-formed family. This was a scene the family had become very familiar

  • Brothers in arms, blood

    Joining the military can be one of the most important, yet frightening, decisions a high school graduate can make, but having your sibling by your side might make that process easier.

  • Shaw Lanes introduces HyperBowling

    Team Shaw members tested a new game system at the 20th Force Support Squadron Shaw Lanes Bowling Center’s HyperBowl grand opening, July 22.

  • Team Shaw remembers fellow Airman

    Team Shaw Airmen and families came together to remember the life of fallen Staff Sgt. Amalia Joseph, a 20th Component Maintenance Squadron electronic warfare journeyman, during a memorial service here, June 7.